VR Speech Trainer

Experience the future of presentation training in virtual reality.

FAQ - Setup - Support

Installation. First step.*

Icon Herunterladen. Der VR Speech Trainer lässt sich ohne Mühen ganz einfach runterladen. Icon Herunterladen. Der VR Speech Trainer lässt sich ohne Mühen ganz einfach runterladen. Icon Herunterladen. Der VR Speech Trainer lässt sich ohne Mühen ganz einfach runterladen. Download icon. The VR Speech Trainer can be easily downloaded.


Download the VR Speech Trainer application from the store of your VR headset.
To do this, enter the whole name in the search box.
Alternatively, the application can be downloaded from the Sidequest platform.

Icon Registrieren. User können sich einfach auf der VR Speech Trainer Plattform registrieren. Register icon. Users can easily register on the VR Speech Trainer platform.

Sign up

Sign up via a browser on the VR Speech Trainer platform (you will receive an individual user ID).
For this you need a valid license key, which you can purchase in our official store and receive by e-mail.

Icon Start. Das immersive Präsentationstraining lässt sich ganz einfach starten. Icon Start. The immersive presentation training can be started very easily.


Start the VR Speech application on your VR headset and log in with your User ID.


Backstage. The access is included.

Second Step. Your own presentation.

Icon Eigene Inhalte. User können ganz leicht eigene Inhalte hochladen und damit ihren Vortrag üben. Own content icon. Users can easily upload their own content and use it to practise their presentation.

Own content

On the VR Speech Trainer platform, you can upload your own presentation as a PDF and create a customized session for it.
Follow the instructions and you will receive a session code.

Icon Der Vortrag. User können ihren Vortrag einüben und sich verbessern. Icon The talk. Users can practise their presentation and improve.

The presentation

On your supported VR headset, you now enter the session code in the VR Speech Trainer application. After the presentation is loaded, you can train.

Icon Noch nicht genug. Während einer gültigen Lizenz können User auf Portal zugreifen. Icon Not enough yet. Users can access the portal during a valid licence.

Still not enough?

While your license is valid, you can access the portal. Repeat this process as often as you like.


Answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us a message.


Open the Store on your Meta Quest headset and enter the full name “VR Speech Trainer” in the search bar. Then scroll to the very end of the search results. Sie finden den VR Speech Trainer unter den App Lab Ergebnissen.
Alternatively, the app can also be installed via Sidequest (see FAQ).

On the Pico Neo 3 Pro, you will find the VR Speech Trainer as a regular download in the associated Business Store.
On the Pico 4E, you can find the VR Speech Trainer as a regular download in the associated Business Store.
Alternatively, the app can also be installed via Sidequest (see FAQ).

On the HTC VIVE Focus 3, you can find the VR Speech Trainer as a regular download in the associated store.

The VR Speech Trainer can be installed via the SideQuest platform.
Siedequest is an independent and established platform developed by the VR community that offers a variety of games and apps. SideQuest allows developers to make their content easily accessible.
For Pico devices: https://sidequestvr.com/app/16526/vr-speech-trainer

For Quest devices: https://sidequestvr.com/app/5422/vr-speech-trainer
Installation does not require registration with SideQuest, but the following steps do:

  1. Visit the SideQuest download page: https://sidequestvr.com/setup-howto Here you can find the program as well as video tutorials.
  2. Download SideQuest “Advanced Installer” on PC or laptop, install and run it.
  3. Activate the developer mode on the Pico.
    https://knowledge.vr-expert.com/de/kb/wie-aktiviere-ich-den-entwicklermodus-auf-der-pico-4-enterprise/Activate developer mode on your QuestHeadset:


  4. Connect PC via cable to the VR headset
  5. If necessary, grant release on the headset
  6. The device is now displayed as connected in the SideQuest program, in the upper left corner
  7. Then search VR Speech Trainer in the search bar
  8. Then click on the “Sideload” button to the right
  9. After that the program asks for country and date of birth – just enter anything here
  10. Now the app installs automatically
  11. Grant releases for microphone and data after the first start of the application, otherwise voice input will not work
  12. Done! Now you can practice!


The VR application can be downloaded for free at any time from the stores of the supported VR headsets. In the main menu you have access to a Demo-Version* inkl. a predefined presentation situation with final star rating. To access the VST platform and thus all features, one of the licenses listed above is required.

Renew: You can renew your existing license at any time by purchasing a new license and registering again with this license key and your existing account. Your progress will be preserved. Please note, however, that license durations are not added up and only the license with the longest duration is taken into account. Therefore, we always recommend that you let the current license expire first before renewing it.
Unsubscribe: No additional notice is required. After the end of the booked term, the license and thus the access to the VST platform ends automatically. By purchasing and activating a new license, your account can be reactivated at any time.
Activate multiple licenses: You can activate multiple licenses, but only the license with the longest term will be considered. We therefore recommend that you always let the current license expire before activating a new one. Afterwards you can register again with a new license key and your existing account to unlock the account again. Your progress will be preserved.

VR Headset: No, users can share one headset and use it one after the other. For this purpose, each user must log in to the VR Speech Trainer with his or her individual user ID.
Accounts*: Yes, each user needs his or her own account. We offer a special license package for up to five users or you can purchase the desired number of individual licenses. If you need more than five users at the same time, select the “Customize” option for an individual quote.

Validity: License keys are valid indefinitely until they are activated. The actual license period begins only with the activation of an account. Depending on the product purchased, accounts can be activated for a period of one month or one year.
Expiration: If a license is no longer valid on an account, you will not be able to log in. You can register again with a new license key and your existing account to unlock the account again. Your progress will be preserved.

Yes, you need one of the supported VR headsets to use the VR Speech Trainer.
You can find the supported devices on our Shop page

Glossary. Because knowledge is key.

Install refers to the process of setting up or placing a software, program, or application on a computer or other device. Installation provides the necessary files and settings for the software to function properly. This usually involves downloading the installation files, running the installer, and going through an installation process that sets up the software on the device.

A demo version, also referred to as a trial or test version, is a limited or time-limited edition of software or a product that enables users to experience it before committing to purchasing the full version. Typically, a demo version offers restricted functionality or limited access to certain features, providing users with a glimpse of the product’s capabilities. This allows users to assess the performance, usability, and suitability of the product for their specific requirements before making a final purchase decision.

An account refers to a user account or personal access granted to a specific platform, website, app, or online service. It enables a user to log in and gain access to personalized features, specific content, or interactive functionalities. Additionally, an account may store various settings, preferences, and activity history associated with the user. It often provides options to manage account information and, if necessary, delete the account.

The Metaverse is an augmented virtual reality concept defined as a self-sustaining 3D immersive virtual world. It is achieved by merging physically persistent virtual spaces with virtually augmented physical realities. The Metaverse comprises user-controlled avatars, digital objects, virtual environments, and other computer-generated elements that can be interactively accessed. This immersive environment allows users to utilize their virtual identities across various devices to communicate, collaborate, and engage socially. By blending real and virtual experiences, the Metaverse offers a novel and forward-thinking form of interaction, providing a unique and cutting-edge experience.

Extended Reality (xR) is an inclusive term that encompasses a range of immersive technologies, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. It represents all current and potential future technologies that enable deeper immersion in virtual worlds or facilitate connections with the real world. The ‘x’ in the abbreviation symbolizes a variable, representing the vast possibilities of emerging immersive technologies. In essence, extended reality serves as a broad and generic term for immersive technologies that blur the boundaries between the real and digital worlds, resulting in heightened interactivity and realism.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a rapidly evolving technology that finds applications in various fields, providing an additional layer of immersive experience. It allows for the integration of digital overlays into the real world, either through devices such as smartphones and tablets or by using augmented reality glasses. By doing so, AR enhances our visual perception of reality and enables interaction with digital content through a medium such as a tablet, smartphone, or AR glasses. The result is a blending of the real environment with digital elements, augmenting the user’s perception of reality.

An index of technical terms, along with precise definitions, is provided to assist readers in understanding specific terminology.

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